Tuesday, June 28, 2011

43 Things

I don't know if any of you have ever been on the website 43things.com, but when I was in high school I found it to be pretty legit. I completely forgot about it until today when I got an email from the website asking me if I had been on Broadway yet, to which I replied "no" (not literally, just in my head) and then I proceeded to feel like I had not accomplished much in my 20 years on this planet.
So finally I finished with being sad (this did not take long) and I got back on my old 43things account to see what else I had not accomplished (and what I had). It was pretty funny to see the things that I wanted to do in high school...
Here's a list of the things I'd accomplished on my list (you can switch things out or add things once you accomplish something on your list)
1. Be certified in CPR
2. Make my own clothing
3. Audition for American Idol
4. Meet William Beckett
5. Get a cell phone (sad)
6. Get my lip pierced (stupid)
7. Step out of my comfort zone
8. Take voice lessons
9. Learn to snowboard
10. Meet The Hush Sound
11. Be in a band
12. Meet Tysen Ritter

So yeah... obviously my priorities have changed around a little bit since I was 15 and really into the bands put out by Fueled by Ramen.

Some things that I have not accomplished yet:

1. Bunjee jump
2. Learn to play drums
3. Write a novel
4. Stop procrastinating (hahaha)
5. See the Northern Lights
6. Learn to tango
7. Go white water rafting
8. Learn to surf
9. Write a screenplay
10. Speak French fluently

I will keep you, my non existant readers, posted on the status of these items, as well as any new items. How exciting is that?

Stuff n Nonsense

At work I invented a hypothetical indie band with Tess.

We are called Metaphorical Falls and we sing with a John Darnielle voice.

We have a song called "Breeze".

And we say a lot of things like "Metaphorical Falls is about the way that the world can speak to you in the colors of music."

And I get paid to do this.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Every summer (or any time I'm outside for more than 20 minutes, but we're just going to say summer so I don't cry), I get a "hilarious" sunburn. It doesn't matter that any time I think I may be exposed to direct sunlight I slather myself in 75+ SPF and put on long sleeves, the sun finds me and goes to town.
All this would be well and good if I would just do an allover sunburn that might eventually leave the residue pale-person tan that is really more red than brown but provides some color so pale people (like myself) rock it with pride. But my sunburns are tricky little minxes. Today, I am wearing the classic one-half-of-my-body sunburn. I was outside in a t-shirt and shorts today with all of my skin equally exposed to the sun. Somehow, only my left leg above the knee and right arm got sunburned. I don't understand why my body wants me to be ostracized from polite, tan society.
Another interesting sunburn fact that no one wants to know about me is that my shoulders are completely impervious to sun. I have intentionally let them stay out in the sun to try and get rid of the farmer burn that will inevitably last me for the rest of the school year, but no matter what I do, nothing happens to them. I am perpetually wearing little white cap sleeves.
If anyone knows of a cure for my sunburned woes, please send me a letter or something.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Montpelier Chronicles Part 1

So I've been in Montpelier for a couple of weeks. I don't know if any of you have ever been to Montpelier, but it has a population of about 2,000 people, all of whom (it seems) have dyed their hair blonde AND black a la my middle school days. I didn't know people still did that, but they do.
Anyway, started my new job at BLH enterprises. For the life of me I don't know how I got this job, as the interview went something like this:
Me: Hi, sorry I'm late.
My Boss: Can you drive a stick shift?
Me: No, but I can ask Tess to teach me.
My Boss: You have the job.
I am grossly underqualified, but somehow have managed not to kill myself and/or others or damage any property with the tractor. I do, however, have to fully stand up and stamp on the clutch to get anything done, so it's only a matter of time before one of those weird little lurchy things gets me thousands of dollars in the hole and my boss punches me in the face. The only thing that keeps me from being paralyzed with fear is the fact that the boys who I work with who give me SO MUCH CRAP for being scared to run the tractor are not very good at working the tractor either. As in not any better than me. So take that, fish gut covered hoodie guys. Stop putting fish in my best friend's purse, or else (this warning is pretty impotent, but whatever).
Besides learning to drive a tractor, I have also learned that there are places in the U.S. where businesses close earlier than they do in Logan. I tried to go to ALCO at 8 to buy some salsa and I was turned away by a guy vacuuming the halls.
Oh, and I saw a bearded lady at Broulims wearing eyeliner and six earrings up each ear.