Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's just one of those days...

Today was a freakin' lazy day. I'm sure you all have those days where you don't wake up until one, then you go to Burger King for breakfast because screw it, you don't care about being healthy any more because you are too tired to care about anything. And then after that, you go to work for two hours and as soon as your manager asks who wants to go home, you raise your hand. As soon as you get home, instead of doing your relatively easy homework and going to sleep so that you can actually participate in class, you get on pinterest and learn how to do your makeup like Lana Del Ray, even though you're still not really sure who she is. Then you make brownies with your roommate and while you're waiting for them to cook you eat frosting out of the can with a fork, because it's a day that the chins are demanding tribute, and they will not be silenced. Then when the brownies come out of the oven, you smother them in not one, but two cans of frosting that ends up being thicker than the actual brownies, and you eat them with icecream directly from the pan without cutting them while listening to Ingrid Michaelson songs you pulled up on youtube. And you are not ashamed of this, because it is just one of those extremely tired days. Or maybe you guys have different lazy day rituals?