Monday, September 3, 2012

Me Time

So I was just thinkin' about me today. Cause I'm so narcisistic. I can't spell that word. I'm sure you know what I mean though. I'm like Narcissus? Ya know, the guy from greek mythology who stared at his reflection until he turned into a yellow flower? Yeah... Actually, I was just trying to decide what to watch on Netflix even though it is 1 AM and I have an interview tomorrow morning, and I found myself, as usual, being drawn to the True Crime shows. And I thought to myself, "self, are you a sociopath and you just don't know it?" And then I thought, "probably not." But then I got to wondering if other people enjoy true crime TV as much as I do. I'm talkin' Deadly Women, Disappeared, Solved: Extreme Forensics, and so on. So here are some things about me I like to pretend are super quirky, but I kind of hpe you all ( people are reading this. Hahaha) do these things too. I love True Crime TV. I support gay rights like I'm an actual gay man. I get annoyed (just a little) when guys and girls act like makeup is a way to "cover up" what you really look like. I just think makeup is fun to play with. Sometimes when I see movies with Emma Stone or Zooey Deschanel in them I get distracted pretending they are my real-life best friends, because I am also super famous and adorable in this scenario. Sometimes I think if I will things hard enough, I can make them happen. For example, if I just think hard enough that I'm very good at tap dancing, my body will suddenly know how to tap dance. But then I try to tap dance (or whatever) and I still suck. Sometimes I have a family sized hummus in my fridge and I think "yeeeah...that's not going to make it through the night." Then I go buy more hummus. I give out "points" when people say things I like. For example, a good Shakespeare reference might earn you...I dunno...ten Bard Buddy points. Sometimes I refer to desserts as my "husband desserts" because I would literally marry that dessert. For example, carrot cake icecream. Yeeeah. Well, that's all for now I suppose, because I feel like I am digging myself into a very deep place that no one wants to visit, like Arizona. Goodnight internetworld!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh you are one of my most favorite people in the world.
