Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Things

In case any of you have missed it because you have been in comas, or hiding in your basement playing video games, or other things, it is summertime! Hooray! That means only slightly less stress and running around like an idiot for me! So, of course, to add to my stress level, I decided it would be a really good idea to be in not one, but two musicals this summer. The first is a musical written by my lovely friend and manager, Caroline. So it will not be as stressful as the second musical, which is West Side Story. I don't know if you have seen West Side Story, but if you have seen the movie or a stage version, or if you youtube it right now, you will notice that the girls in West Side Story are really good at dancing. Except Maria. She doesn't dance a lot. So I auditioned thinking that the only way I would ever get into the musical was if I was Maria, because I am the worst at dancing. So I went to the auditions, yadayada whatever, I got cast in the show yay! But not as Maria. Which is fine, it just means that I now have a ton of dancing to do. And the choreographer, while she is amazing, is also trying to kill me apparently, because the dances in this show are CRAZY HARD. And I'm one of the Puerto Ricans, so I get a lot of crazy hard dancing. Here is how not good at dancing I am, readers, in case you think I am just being modest. I went home after dance auditions and showed my mom and sisters the dance. They laughed at me while I was doing it. They laughed so hard that they cried. In conclusion, please come see West Side Story, if only to see if I suddenly uncover the dancer within. That is all.

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