Monday, October 22, 2012

Keepin' It Positive (Sasha Fierce)

Sometimes, you have a bad day.  I know, readers, you're all, "what?! That happens to people?! Those poor people."

Anyway, there are many, many things I do when I have a bad day.  Sometimes I go to McDonalds with Colton and MayLynn and we eat hot fudge sundaes and Colton makes me sit in a line of sight with a McDonalds worker that he says was checking me out, and we try to eat seductively with our plastic spoons so that if he looks over he will be uncomfortable.

Sometimes, Colton sends me Beyonce songs over facebook and I listen to the same one like, 100 times because it is the best and she is SOOO Sasha Fierce (a term that Tess and I coined when her album, I Am Sasha Fierce came out--it means she is strong and takes no crap from nobody!)

Annnnnd sometimes I think instead of being negative, I will make a blog about all the things I am loving right now.

And so here it is, the blog about things I am loving right now!

* The fact that it's raining right now.
Reeses Pumpkins...because the best Reeses are seasonal, shaped Reeses.

Vegan Pumpkin Mac
Pumpkin Hummus

She is the cutest and the best.

* New Girl!  This season is so good!

* And in that vein...Zooey Desch and everything about Zooey Desch!

* Writing!  I am getting some really good writing done and I am loving the drafts I'm turning in.

* Nanowrimo is coming up SOON!  I really want to finish this year.  We'll see how busy I am.

* All the new movies coming out!  Especially Cloud Atlas.  I really want to see that.

* Pitch Perfect... I've seen it not once, not twice, not even three times, but FOUR TIMES.

* Tattoos in these places:

* These songs:

* This

Oh, and this.

* Getting to use my space heater

* Playing D&D every Sunday

* The way Sardine Canyon looks right now when you drive through it

* Taking hot showers when I'm stressed out, or reading a book in the bathtub...which is what I'm going to do now.

Love you all!!

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