Thursday, October 4, 2012

Surprise, you won Tic Tac Toe!! : A new game from the makers of the game where you throw the ice into the hole in the soda machine at U6

Today at work, I taught my roommate slash bestie slash work colleague MayLynn how to play Ultimate Tic Tac Toe.

For those of you who don't know, Ultimate Tic Tac Toe involves drawing a tic tac toe...square? Board? Whatever you want to call it....inside each of the squares of a large tic tac toe square/board/whatever you want to call it.

Now, before today I had played Ultimate Tic Tac Toe precisely one time, but for some reason, I thought I was totally awesome at it.  Not the case.  Or I guess yes the case, but MayLynn and I were perfectly evenly matched.  Or perfectly evenly bad?  Whate'er.

Then the most beautiful thing happened.  It just exploded out of my brain and onto paper.  We looked at the ceiling and on the count of three wrote three x's or o's on a paper, then looked down to see who got the most.  Surprise, you won Tic Tac Toe!! was born.

We refined it over several game playing sessions.  First, you must rotate the paper with the tic tac toe on't while looking directly into your opponents eyes.  After the first round where you draw 3 x's or o's, you may only draw one per round.  You must draw your x's and o's at the same time as your opponent.  You may not break eye contact for any reason.

I don't know if I am properly conveying how fantastic this game is.  Anyway, here's a picture of what it looks  like compared to Extreme Tic Tac Toe.  As you can see, we are evenly matched in the Extreme version, but X (me) is clearly better at randomly writing on a piece of paper without looking.

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