Thursday, February 16, 2012

A blog about things that have already happened!!

Ok, so a lot of the events on this post happened a while ago, but I thought it would be more effective to talk about them now that I have all the pictures! Right? Right.

First thing's first, I am the best at building things.


This is a bookshelf I got at WalMart, so it was not going to turn out that great to begin with. So first I lost the instructions and looked up some instructions on the internet. And then I started assembling the parts incorrectly. Then I found out I had been sitting on the instructions all along, which made me feel like a fool.

Once I found the instructions, I noticed that for some reason, the folks over at CheesyBookshelves (TM) had not bothered to do anything apart from draw some really vague pictures of what I assumed were the pieces of the bookshelf with some arrows pointing at different parts that were labeled A,B,C,D, and E. So after about 40 minutes of watching me try and hammer things with my shoe, Emi stepped in to help a brotha out. When Emi started helping, things started coming together because she has a knowledge of bookshelves and how to assemble them far beyond my comprehension. Within an hour, the bookshelf was complete, and we were patting each other on the back and commenting on how great we are at building things, even though we had managed to somehow break three of the little screw things in half. As we were having our moment of triumph, McKay looked up from whatever he was doing on his laptop instead of helping us (jokes, McKayKay) and was all, "oh hey, I think that you did it wrong." It was only then that we stepped away from the bookshelf and noticed, oh hey, one of the sides is completely upside down and backwards (see photo) and it was only when I went to take a picture of the bookshelf that I realized the bottom shelf was also upside down, exposing the high quality-wood underneath the... beautiful white paint.

The plan was to disassemble the bookshelf and let McKay draw pictures on the wood, which we would then...hang on our walls...with a lot of heavy duty 3m. Buuut instead I just went home for the weekend and left the bookshelf in my living room because I'm not the worst roommate ever.

When I came home, my lovely roommate SummerJones had had her friends fix my bookshelf! I don't know how they did it considering Emi and I preeetttty much broke everything we could have broken in assembling it, but whatever. It is now in my room and though it tips to the side a little (a lot) it works just fine, so I'm happy with it. Yaaaay.

Now for the next thing that already happened but that I am just now releasing to the
blogosphere. I'm sure you were all very anxious to know what I was doing at all the times that I was not blogging about what I was doing, because I am very interesting and don't spend most of my time watching Breaking Bad on Netflix.

We had an Indian food night! It was all very exciting. We decided we were going to try and make Chicken Tikka Masala, because it is the BEST, and also naan, which is also the BEST. Annnd it turned out pretty OK. I started cooking things at about 4 thinking that t
hings would be ready by six, but SummerJones, my sous chef, was out on a run, because she is insane. I do not like to run, ever, and I don't understand people that do. Mad props, or whatever, though.

So Summer had said she was going to be gone about 20 minutes, but she didn't show up for 2 hours, so I was pretty sure she was dead and I was very scared that no one was going to eat Indian food with me. Finally she came in and I was very relieved and we had a touching re
union and then started cooking.

Then things started to go awry. First of all, we were about to eat when McKay (who came over with Emi and Amber) asked if we had any rice, and we didn't, because we are dumb and don't think things through. So then Emi had to go home and get her rice cooker. While we waited for the rice to cook, we started Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, which is my favorite movie EVER.

If this photo doesn't convince you to watch it, I don't want to be friends with you.

I didn't think that anyone would like the movie because it's all in Hindi and it's a musical and it's very, very corny at times, but everyone got way into it, which was nice, except later when we were going to play Bang! it was hard to get everyone to stop watching it.

Anyway, we thought it would be a real good idea to let the curries sit on low heat while we waited for the rice to cook. Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. You have been chopped (that's a Food Network reference, in case people don't watch as much Food Network as I do, and you probably don't, because I watch a lot of Food Network.) Leaving the Tikka Masala on low made it coagulate a bit, so when we ate it it was....interesting. I will definitely stick to Tandoori. Mmmm...Tandoori...

Also, we for some reason thought if we rolled the naan dough (which is basically biscuit dough...scratch that, it's biscuit dough) into balls, it would flatten out into the really thin stuff you get at Indian restaurants. Because typically that's what bread flattens out. Especially when it has yeast in it. Soooo we had biscuits with our Indian food. NBD.

Pictured: Non Naan

OK, part 1 complete! I bet when you started reading this you didn't think that I would split my story into a 2 part thingy, and now you are upset but also intrigued, because, after all, the best things in life are split into two parts, like the Breaking Dawn movies.

Try not to die of anticipation for part 2.

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