Friday, February 10, 2012

A Sad Day for America

OK, so today my dress came!!

What dress, you ask? Since this is Utah (well where I am, anyway) you may think it is my WEDDING DRESS. But as you may have inferred from my earlier posts about how bad I am at flirting, I am not getting married. This dress is better than a wedding dress anyway. It's this really cool vintage dress from etsy! Whoa, right? Yeah, anyways...

I bought this dress thinking "I never do anything nice for myself," which is a lie, because about a week before I bought this dress I also bought myself a dress on modcloth.

ANYWAYS, so the dress came. And I was way excited, so I went to try it on. Now, because I am way smart, I didn't unbutton all the buttons on the dress when I stepped into it, just most of them. And one of the buttons, because it is a very old dress, fell off. And now I can't find it. It's OK, because if I safety pin the dress, it looks presentable. However, if I don't safety pin the dress, it shows my entire belly button and surrounding area. Which is obviously way cute and everything, but not suitable for class.

So now I am looking for the button and I am very sad. As is the rest of America, I'm sure.

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