Thursday, February 2, 2012


Alright, guys.

So right now, I should probably be doing my English 2010 homework for a lot of reasons. First of all, it's way easy. Much easier than my other classes. But I'm tired and I don't want to do it. Second of all, I have to get good grades so I get a 4.0 so I can go to grad school, spend a lot of money, and then eventually make no money. But again, I don't want to do it. So instead of saying, "OK, I will get up tomorrow and finish this," my plan goes something like this:

Get on blogger and write blog instead of going to bed. (Step 1)

Get up in morning at normal time (or possibly later than usual.) Feel sad that I have to work tonight (boo.) Not do my homework. (Step 2)

The end.

I think that sounds like a pretty good plan, don't you?

So tonight, I played Bang! for the first(ish) time, and it was pretty fun. My poor friend Emily hated it a LOT (I think) and I don't really blame her because it is literally the most complicated game possibly in the entire world. HOWEVER, it is worth it for that moment when someone says "I'm going to bang you," and you throw down your MISSED card with some sort of witty (you assume) catch phrase and the card lands face down but that's ok cause the point is that they missed you. Blammo.

Alrighty, then. I'm sure that this blog post has been fascinating and full of laughs for everyone involved. Now I'm probably going to actually fall asleep or probably going to actually turn on Parks and Rec and be up for the next forever or so. NBD. Say a little prayer that I get sent home early from work tomorrow so that I can get my life back in order because I'm always too tired to fix it (i.e. get back to doing homework before the day it is due in class while waiting for class to start, etc)


P.S. I am a little afraid that when I curl my hair I may or may not look like a 19th century composer of classical music.

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